Please consider providing donations to the Agricultural Program's Thanksgiving Basket Program. Items needed include:
-$25 Grocery Gift Card
-Aluminum Disposable Roasting Pan
-Boxes of Mashed Potatoes
-Boxes of Turkey Stuffing
-Jars of Turkey Gravy
-Cans of Cranberry Sauce
-Cans of Green Beans
-Cans of Corn
-Large Can of Yams
-Large Can of Fruit Cocktail
-Container of Apple Cider/Juice
-Box of Bread/Biscuit Mix
-Pie Crust and Pie Filling
-Box of Brownie, Cookie, Cake mix and Icing
-Basket for Food Items
-Tablecloth (Plastic or Cloth)
Donations can be placed in the donations box located in the front lobby by November 5th!