Dear ARL Parents & Student,
As the new Principal of the ARL, I want to welcome you and your children to a new school year. It has been an exceptional first week back to school. I had the fortunate opportunity to meet with all of our students attending ARL this week. They are outstanding and motivated young men and women. I also have been very impressed with the incredibly talented staff members who teach and work at ARL. They love teaching in their Academy Areas and truly are student advocates. I look forward to meeting you at the ARL Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 20th at 6:30 p.m. Please see our request below for Parent Volunteers on Friday, September 16th for just an hour.
Karl J. Schindler, Principal
Applications & Research Laboratory
410-313-6998 Phone
410-971-6448 Cell
Strategic | Achiever | Learner | Self-Assurance | Arranger